Friday, August 22, 2008

One day closer

I have to say that traveling almost 800 miles in one day can be very exhausting.
The day started out in Ohio where we got up at 6 am, had breakfast and left the hotel just after 7.
When we got to Cincinnati, I had the privilege of taking some awesome pictures of the amazing buildings we passed.
After crossing over the boarder of Kentucky, I promptly curled up in the back of my well backed back seat and fell fast asleep. Not far after that I took my turn driving, but didn't last for long because by the time we stopped for gas and lunch, my contacts where bothering me. On Right one got lost in my eye earlier in the morning so I was having problems with my eyes rejecting them both all day long.
We stopped in Cave City, Kentucky and sent Reagan a text message to let him know where we were in our travels and I realized that some time while I was driving the time changed to Central time.
Although Mom and I talked in Central time, Dad continued in Eastern time.
We had a lot of fun going through places like Louisville, KY and Nashville, TN and Memphis, TN. I got some pictures, but when you are going 70 miles and hour past those points of references, it doesn't always come out well.
Around Six Central time we crossed the Great Mississippi River. It looked rather dry.
We crossed over into Arkansas and I knew that we were very close to Texas.
I am hoping that soon I will be able to put pictures on the blog so that you can see some of what I saw today. We had a lot of fun trying to pronounce the names and we even laughed at some of them. One of the best names was Mouse Tail Landing. Who would have thought of naming a town like that.
Well now we are somewhere outside of Little Rock.
We didn't do so bad in our travels. We only got lost twice. That's pretty good for my family. Thanks To Reagan's dad we have really awesome instructions and it was the readers error and the map makers errors.
Tomorrow we will be in Texas. I hear it is very flat. Whatever the case, I don't care. Tomorrow is leading me to Reagan and that's good enough for me.

1 comment:

Peggy said...

Well, you're gonna be a busy girl, now! If you didn't have time to post a blog in the last month .. you probably won't have time to do it now, either!

I sure wished we could have come to see you before you left ... but time just would not allow it. You have been in my thoughts and prayers, especially this past week and you'll be staying in them, too :-)

Please give everyone my love ... still praying for Mom and Dad, too!