Sunday, January 14, 2007

Long Live ICE!

Have you ever noticed just how beautiful ice is while it is hang down off of the trees and wires?
I learned something very interesting today about Ice. Did you know that just a thin layer of ice on a tree branch is equal to 300 pounds? Now if that Isn't amazing I don't know what is.
Also saw something very interesting today. After church a bunch of us were standing around talking when all off a sudden we saw what looked like a piece of plastic fall from the sky. Someone went out to investigate and discovered that it was a very thin sheet of ice that had fallen from the roof of the church. It was so thin that when it fell it floated in the air just like a feather or a leaf.
I keep wondering if I am going to be going to work tomorrow. Everyone that is a manager lives half an hour away or they live on a hill that would be too dangerous to come down. As a matter of fact the only way to get to our store is by going down a hill. The weather man is predicting ice and snow for the next few days and we may be getting a Denver right here in the NorthEast.

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