Saturday, December 23, 2006

Dashing through the . . .Mud?

I'm dreaming of white Christmas, but when I step outside I see only mud. I am sure if Denver could, they would share. Of course they are saying the storm is headed our way and will be here by day after Christmas.
In a way I am glad it is not going to snow on Christmas day. The last time we had a bad Christmas storm my family got stuck at my Grandparents house with the clothes on our backs and whatever we were given for Christmas. Lesson: if you hear that it might snow and you are on your way to your Grandparents house, remember to take deodorant, a toothbrush and toothpaste. And if you can fit in an extra pair of undies that would make your life a whole lot better.
Did something different last night. My church went Christmas Caroling in the rain with umbrellas rather than with scarves, mittens and hats. Wet, but fun. We sang for the older people in our church as well as a few extras and they really appreciated it.
I am looking forward to tomorrow in some ways. On Sunday morning I will be singing in the choir, then in the afternoon we will be going to the nursing home for a service. Then on to our annual Christmas Eve Candle Light Service. It's always unique with a splash of tradition. AKA singing Silent Night while lighting candles all around the church. I love that part, it always give me cold chills.
Well Merry Christmas Eve, Eve, my Friends.

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