Wow! I can't believe that a week ago I had been home for only a few hours. I realized the other day I hadn't written my promised blog because I was A. Busy, and B. Profoundly tired. I decided I had better write so that everyone would know that I did make it through the week with only a nasty sun burn and a pair of lost sunglasses.

I Think what I am going to do it take some of what I wrote in my journal and let you know my thoughts of the day and then I will put in things that I remember that I didn't write down. I will also sprinkle pictures in and out of the prose. It would take way too long to put all the pictures on my blog that I took. As it was 24 hours to download almost 500 pictures last week was ridiculous.
On May 24 I couldn't have been more nervous. Those of you who know me, know that when I doing something by myself for the first time I have a tendency to get a little nervous. Okay a lot nervous. If you don't believe me, just ask Reagan. He endured my nervousness that night as I talked to him on the phone.
Sleep didn't come so easily for me Saturday night. Although my nerves had been calmed, I was still afraid I had forgotten to put my alarm on or that I had put it on incorrectly. You know how that happens. Every once in a while I would look at the time wondering if it was time yet.
Dad and I headed out just before 6:30 to pick up Pete who was our guide to the airport. I sat in the back seat of the car writing in my journal. It was a whole 37 degrees F outside. It was cold!
"Travelers Log May 25, 2008
6:30 AM
After many hours of Packing and talking on the phone, I am now on my way to the airport.
I was more nervous last night then I am now. I was awake at 4 am and couldn't get back to sleep. 5:20 couldn't come soon enough."
It was a quiet drive. Not very many people where out and about on a Sunday morning. The sky was clear and blue.
I was the first one at the line for my flight. The airport people hadn't even gotten to work yet. Good for them. I had no Idea what I was doing, but a nice woman and her daughter helped while my dad stood beside me. I had already signed in the night before on the computer so all I really needed to do was get a tag for my luggage and say good bye to my suitcase as it faced the scrutiny of TSA.
It wasn't hard to find my way around. Signs and arrows pointed the way. At my first check point, security checked to make sure I had everything in order accordingly. Oops forgot to sign my passport. You have to do that?
Next I had to take my backpack, my shoes, purse and jacket and send them all through the x-ray terrors. They didn't find anything wrong with anything so all the research on what to put in my carry on must have paid off. Sometime while I was doing that Dad and Pete left. I had gotten through security and I checked out so I was on my way to the gate.
The terminal was about as quiet as the roads when I sat down. I got my choice of seats because I was the first to get there and I chose a window seat. 

"8:15 am
I am now sitting in the airport looking at the planes. I am pretty sure the plane I see out the window is the one I will be flying. My goodness! Even I didn't realize how small planes can be! They look so huge in the air or at least they look like they could be big. Airports are actually very beautiful. At least this one is. I wonder what it looks like in the fall. There are some beautiful maple trees not far from here.
It's rather quiet right now. I am listening to the news. Right now they are talking abut Memorial Day. This is without a doubt a Memorial Day I won't forget.
From here I can see United Airlines. There's a mother playing with her one year old while her husband buys food with another 3 or 4 year old girl. She's cute with her little pink bows in her hair.
It smells like coffee. At least what I can smell. It doesn't help when you have allergies.
I should say before stopping for now that everyone has been very kind and I haven't had any problems figuring out where I am going or doing."
My flight was on time. And everything went very smoothly for my first flight. The man sitting next to me was very kind and we talked the entire 40 minutes or so we were in flight. I took pictures from the window and asked him questions and he did the same. Pretty sure he sounded like he could have been a photographer himself. He was with out a doubt an artist.

As soon as I was out of the gate, I called Laura and let her know I was there. We met at baggage claim and started our phone calls.
We finally decided to find our way to the port. Not fun when you are not sure where you are supposed to go. Right. Let's just say that when you are in a strange city and you are in a taxi for the first time, don't get an idiot driver who really doesn't know how to drive. We finally convinced him to drop us off next to the ship that said Norwegian Spirit. Laura and I were horrible tippers. I wanted to say when he asked for a tip "Ya, Don't stand in front of a Mack Truck while it's moving."

Our first glimpse of the ship was awesome. We stood looking at it through the window. Didn't know I wasn't supposed to take pictures in the terminal. I did anyway.
We checked in and headed for the ship. Every where we were welcomed. Already we felt like queens. We found a spot on the deck and had lunch. Good food. Turkey Subs are always good.
At 2 we were allowed to go to our room. It was small with two single beds, a bunk bed and when you looked under my bed there was even a slide out bed. How you would have put 4 people in that room was beyond me. We had a desk, a bedside table, a chair, a TV, and a closet. We also had a small bathroom with a shower. Don't think I could have lived there for months on end, but a week was fine.
"2:40 PM
I personally can't believe I am finally here. Yikes! It's crazy.
My flight was short It only took 40 minutes and it really only seemed like it was 10. I sat and talked to the guy sitting next to me. He has definitely flown before and I would ask him questions about landscapes and he would tell me what we were looking at.
I saw the Empire State Building and the Statue of Liberty. Way cool! They looked so small!
It was rather easy finding Laura when I landed. She looked tired. 5 Hours on a plane is hard!"
"8:40 PM
I was interrupted earlier by a call for an emergency drill. That was fun! It's required by law for one thing. (Side note: much better than the ones we went through at school after we were all in bed.)
Then we pushed off and Laura and I sat for close to an hour and a half watching New York City disappear. I got plenty of pictures including the two I wanted the most, Ellis Island and The Statue of Liberty.

The ship has a crazy rocking motion going on right now. Being on deck 4, which is the lowest you can go, is the best way to feel the movement of the ship.
After watching the City of New York disappear behind us, we decided to check out the upper deck. Wow! We're talking gale force winds. My hair was so tangled, I have decided to always keep my hair up. No more yanking knots out of my hair!
After awhile we came back to our room, unpacked our luggage, and went back up for food before we decided to explore the entire ship.

We are going for a Spa Treatment Friday. We may even catch a movie tomorrow.
There is so much to talk about, but I am so tired I can't think. Laura was so tired she is asleep already and it is only 9:30. I think I'll join her.
Well I guess I will sign off for now. Tomorrow is another day."
1 comment:
Wow! Sounds like you had a great adventure! I didn't know you weren't an expert traveller--did you only drive down to school when we were in college? I guess I forget that not everyone else was practically born with a passport and thousands of miles flying experience, like my family. LOL I've gone through three passports, and my most recent one is full of entry/exit stamps and visas from awesome places. Hang on to your passport--it will make for a great storytime visual for your kids someday. :-)
Can't wait to read of the rest of your adventures!
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