Wednesday, April 04, 2007

My New Plaything

Ok, First off I have a good excuse for getting this new play thing. Hello I need it when I take picutres at my brother's wedding.
I have been thinking about getting a new camera for sometime, but I just wasn't sure what one I wanted and when I would have the money to buy it. Well Cliff pulled my arm the other day and I ended up going on Kodak and buying a new camera. It's so much better then my old one. I even got it on sale and with free shipping. It was sent out Tuesday morning and I had it by afternoon. Now tell me that isn't fast! I am now the brand new owner of a Kodak Easy Share C875 with 5x optical zoom with 21 different picture scene settings, and PASM. I can now see my pictures when I take them and if I like them I keep them, if I don't I can delete it right away and try again.
I have been playing with it ever since I got it yesterday and I can't seem to put it down. Now I can take more pictures and put them on my blog for everyone to see and when I get those fabulous wedding pictures I can put them on here and now that I actually got a picture that it is going to come out.
With that all told we are preparing for an April Blizzard. I can't believe that winter is coming back with a vengence to bite us after we have been walking around for days in lighter jackets and some have even thought it was shorts weather. A little too crazy there for me.
I guess everyone ones spring like Easter attire is going to be covered by wool and fleece. Hey and I have a camera setting to take pictures in the bright snow. How cool is that!
Whatever the case may be as long as it doesn't snow on May 12 that is all I care about.

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