Friday, August 31, 2007


I am going to start a new series. Last year I did a series on the four seasons. This time I am going to attempt months.
First of all I have to say that September reminds me of Birthdays. My Dad (25) My sister (30) my youngest niece (3).
It reminds me of school and apples. It reminds me of fall and the fact that by the end of the month most of the trees will be exploding in color.
It's kite weather time. And curl up with hot chocolate time. You sleep with a blanket once again. And if you are not strange like me who uses her fan all year long, you will think about putting away the fan and air conditioning for the year.
Swimsuits and shorts are packed up once again in your attic and long sleeve shirts and sweatshirts are brought out again. Don't forget the jackets!
The end of the veggies in the garden are picked. The last corn of the season is eaten. The BBQ is fired up one last time before the gas runs out.
Mums start to grow, grass doesn't grow as fast.
Labor Day comes just in time for one last weekend at the campgrounds.
Apple Picking, Apple Pies, Apples Cider and Hayrides are on peoples to do lists.
Indian Corn and Indian summer. Bondfires and marshmallow roasting are not far from peoples thoughts.
What can you think of in the month of September?
It really is a beautiful time of year don't you think?

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

School And Lightening Storms.

I don't know about anyone else, but I can't believe that School has either already started or is about to start next week.
I just doesn't seem possible. What happened to August? What happened to 2007?
Someone told me the other day that as soon as the State Fair was announced Everyone knew summer was almost over. How right he was!
Clifford, Heahter, and I went to the Fair on Saturday. It ended up being one of the Hottest days of the year. It was well over 90 and the three of us drank a lot of water.
The animals all looked so hot and some of the smart horses were standing ass close as they could get to the fans in the stalls. I took around 250 pictures of the fair.
Speaking of pictures, I got the coolest picture the other day. I have always wanted to get a picture of lightening and on Friday when Cliff and I went to get My sister-in-law at the trains station we headed home in a Nasty lightening storm that had lightening every 5 or 10 seconds.
Talk about opportunity. I had taken my camera with me because I was going to see if I could take pictures of the trains (that didn't really work too well) so I took pictures out of the window and Got an amazing picture of lightening.
Once I down load the pictures I will put the picture on my blog. All the rest of my pictures of the fair I am planning on putting them on my snapfish account. If you want to see the pictures let me know and I will send you a link to my picutres.
I have offically taken around 1400 pictures from my camera since I got it. Pretty cool don't you think.
Don't worry I haven't printed all of them off, but I have ended up with almost a full album plus half of another.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

A Crazy Thought for the Day.

Did you know that Americans on average eat about 100 acres of pizza every day?

That's a lot of cheese and tomatoes if you ask me.