This is a post to welcome a new little life into the world. Lillian Gayland Miller was born June 24 around 12:40 am. She was 7 lb. + 4 oz. and 21 1/2 inches long with Dark brown hair.
It looks to me like her two big brothers are pretty proud of her. It's kind of scary to think that eight and a half years ago Matthew (right) was a new born that my family came to visit right here in this town before we moved here. And Christian (left) is already almost 6.
Okay so you are asking me who these people are. Danny is my cousin and Matthew, Christian and Lillian :) are my Second Cousins. M and C are my two favorite little boys. I baby sat them when they were little, and got down on the floor and played with them which they always thought was cool and Even though Matthew is 8, anytime he sees me he still throws his arms around me and gives me a hug while Christian follows suit.
Welcome to the world Little One!