Thursday, February 15, 2007
The Valentine's Day Snowfall Part III
The Valentine's Day Snowfall Part II
The Valentine's Day Snowfall
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Wove, Twue Wove!

This is a picture of the flowers my brother sent Heather. Aren't they pretty? He has pretty good taste if you ask me. At least she got them in time for Valentines day. The news had a flower shop that said they had about 100 deliveries on Wednesday and they didn't know what they would do. If I had been them I would have delivered them a day early that way they would be there by Valentines day like my smart brother did.
Well It's offical. It is snowing like . . . Well I don't know what it is snowing like, but it looks like we are in for the long haul. With the possibility of 3 feet of snow I am thinking it is a good thing I am not working tomorrow. Watch this I'll be called in to work anyway.
Hey the Wooly Worm Did say that it would be a middle winter followed by a nasty February and March. Well here it is! Looking back I remember someone saying that it would be February when we got all the snow. I do believe they were right all a long.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
AH Snow!
But I can look on the bright side. I live snow. As I said in a much earlier post there is something about the freshly fallen snow that really makes me sit back and look. Unwalked through snow can be some of the most beautiful snow. Sparkling in the sun light like little diamonds. There you go. Valentines day is on Wednesday and there is snow in the forecast and the snow looks like diamonds. If you are a guy and you want to give your girl diamonds, but you don't have a lot of money, you may want to opt for a walk in the "diamonds".
Speaking of diamonds. Mom was looking for a dress yesterday for Cliff's Wedding. I can't believe that we have 3 months until the wedding.
Mom and I are starting to do our own planning for the special reception. Something Cliff and Heather thought up for all the people who can't come to the wedding. A very simple affair that I think people will enjoy.
Friday, February 02, 2007
Last week I was tired. (Just like I am this week). I worked on Friday at my store and it seemed that nothing was going right for me. My machines were not doing what they were supposed to be doing and I was getting a build up of people wanted everything done right now. So I was in the middle of helping someone when I got a call to come to the office at my convenience. Of course it wasn't at that point so I continued with my customer.
A few minutes after that someone came in for a Western Union. Now I can do Western Unions, but I was so busy at that point, I called someone else up to do it. The next thing I know All three of the Managers that were in the store where coming up to the front.
I noticed them and commented on the fact that there only needed to be one person to do Western Unions.
They all came walking up to me with big grins on their faces. They were hiding something and told me they wanted to present me with something. Out came a frame with a certificate naming me employee of the quarters. Then they asked if I knew because there is a little spot on my pay stub that tells me that I have the award and was just playing dumb and I said I didn't know even though I had seen the spot and it didn't connect.
SO after that bad day, I ended up with something I have always thought would be cool to have and made my day just a little brighter. Now I get a day off with full pay. Now that is what I would call a good surprise.